Do you have an exciting idea for a community project or program? If you’re enthusiastic about enriching Rancho Cordova’s vibrant community, now is the perfect time to seize the opportunity and apply for a grant through the Community Enhancement & Investment Fund.
Donor Name: City of Rancho Cordova
State: California
City: Rancho Cordova
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 03/15/2024
Size of the Grant: More than $1 million
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The City of Rancho Cordova’s Community Enhancement & Investment Fund supports a variety of projects and programs from public safety to public works, to legacy projects, to community-based and grassroots programs and initiatives.
In Rancho Cordova, community wellbeing isn’t just a goal; it’s a vibrant reality nurtured by the City’s Community Enhancement & Investment Fund, which is fueled by voter-approved sales taxes that have enabled numerous projects and programs to enrich the lives of residents and businesses across the city.
Community grant types include:
Funding Information
Of the estimated $11.7 million projected in annual revenue from Measure H, the city anticipates awarding approximately 25% in community grants in Fiscal Year 2024/2025. The actual budget may vary based on final approved funding allocations.
Eligibility Criteria
The city will provide grants to individuals, organizations, businesses, and community partners who are interested in enhancing the Rancho Cordova community through arts, culture, history, entertainment, and sports; education; and other projects.
For more information, visit City of Rancho Cordova.