The Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority is inviting applications for its Anchor Building Grant Program, an adaptive re-use funding program.
Donor Name: Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority
State: New York
County: Erie County (NY)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline (mm/dd/yyyy): 11/17/2022
Grant Size: Up to $100,000
Anchor Building provides funding to enable local governments, 501(c)3 non-profits, and municipal authorities to strengthen a community, neighborhood, or commercial district by redeveloping, enhancing, and preserving an underutilized or vacant building that has the potential to serve as a catalyst for greater investment and commercial or social activity.
Most often, historic buildings located in the heart of the community are anchor buildings with instrinsic historical, architectual, and/or social qualities that make places special or unique. Similarly, these buildings can be adaptively re-used due to the quality of original construction, location, and/or suitability for new uses. Unfortunately, communities find that these older buildings are difficult to re-use due to construction costs relative to new building codes, lack of financial resources, or appraisal values that do not support local lenders making an investment.
ECGRA funding can serve as a vital part of the financing structure to bridge the gap, boost the real estate market, assist in developing equity, and enhance the quality of place.
Impact Area: Neighborhoods and Communities. To reinvigorate neighborhoods and man corridors, boost buy local efforts, and combat blight.
- To adaptively re-use historic, cultural, and socially significant buildings
- To leverage private investment and create jobs
- To support small businesses and enhance the local tax base
- To bridge the funding gap common with older building re-use
Funding Information
- A funding bucket of $400,000
- A maximum request of $100,000 per application
- A minimum request of $25,000 per application
- A 1:1 cash match is required
Eligibility Criteria
- an IRS-designated 501(c)3 or a municipal authority
- Headquartered in Erie County
- In good standing with the IRS and state and local taxing bodies
- In good standing with ECGRA’s reporting requirements to date
- Requires a 1 – 1 cash match
For more information, visit Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority.