The City of Hartford Department of Families, Children, Youth and Recreation (DFCYR) has announced a funding initiative through the American Rescue Plan (ARP) which has been designated to help young people recover and heal from the isolation and disruption of the pandemic, including youth recreation, employment, enrichment, and other supports, through the Hartford UNITY (Understanding the Needs In Today’s Youth) youth engagement grant program.
Donor Name: City of Hartford
State: Connecticut
City: Hartford
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 02/06/2023
Size of the Grant: $5,000 -$100,000
The City of Hartford Department of Families, Children, Youth and Recreation (DFCYR) announces a funding initiative through the American Rescue Plan (ARP) which has been designated to help young people recover and heal from the isolation and disruption of the pandemic, including youth recreation, employment, enrichment, and other supports.
The Hartford UNITY (Understanding the Needs in Today’s Youth) youth engagement grant program is designed to support activities for Hartford children and youth, age’s birth to 24. This grant will help the community recover from profound emotional pain, economic hardship, and social isolation, while at the same time building a foundation for a stronger, healthier, more vibrant, and more resilient city in the years ahead.
Program Types
- Civic Engagement and Advocacy – programs focused on educating, encouraging, and facilitating participation and/or advocacy in political, governmental, or nonprofit organizations or causes
- Employment and Workforce Development – programs focused on developing employable/marketable skills, and/or providing professional development opportunities
- Environmental Stewardship – programs focused on educating participants on natural processes, earth sciences, agriculture, environmental sustainability, and resiliency
- Literacy – programs focused on fostering, developing, or teaching reading/writing skills
- Mental Health and Wellness (Clinical) – clinical services and/or referrals with a focus on mental health therapy and/or treatment
- Mentoring and Tutoring (Non-Clinical) – programs focused on providing guidance, advice, encouragement, academic assistance, or friendship to those who need it
- Visual Arts – programs focused on physical media such as painting, sculpture, or photography
- Performing Arts – programs focused on activities such as music, theater, dance, or film
- Recreation and Leisure – programs focused on facilitating active and passive leisure activities such as golf, tennis, hiking, climbing, bowling, fishing, board games, equestrian activities, etc.
- STEM and Computer Literacy – programs focused on fostering interest or developing skills in science, technology, engineering, math, or computer literacy
- Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment – programs focused on educating or mentoring those facing substance abuse issues in their families or themselves
- Youth Sports – programs focused on facilitating team activities such as soccer, football, basketball, baseball, hockey, volleyball, softball, etc.
- Youth outreach and engagement is successfully achieved by building trusting relationships with youth, particularly reaching out to those who are not receiving services and are disconnected from education and employment. The purpose of youth outreach and engagement is to introduce youth to resources and services that can lead to positive life outcomes such as education enrollment, increased work experience, permanent employment, and credential attainment. Youth outreach and engagement strategies should include the following:
- Relentless and persistent contact with youth.
- Elevating youth voice at multiple tables and opening positions for them to take on outreach roles.
- A mutual understanding that we will be working together toward positive life outcomes for the youth.
- In a timely manner assessing their interests, needs, aspirations, and levels of work readiness.
- Realizing that one organization may not be able to provide all that the youth needs and therefore, warmly transitioning a youth from one provider to the next.
- As a result of these youth outreach strategies, we can both build on existing relationships and enhance the longevity and quality of current relationships.
Funding Levels and Terms
Applicants may only submit one grant application. Applicants must indicate whether or not they will be entering a partnership, determined by eligibility criteria and the terms listed below.
- $5,000 – up to $24,999
- Applicant may be an organization or a 501(c)(3) IRS-designated Non-Profit
- Programs must (1) Expand direct services by the number of youths serviced, number of services provided, or number of service locations or (2) build capacity through training, staff, or data infrastructure
- Program period may be Summer-only or Year-round
- Summer Program: July 1, 2023 – August 31, 2023
- Year-Round Program: July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
- Must use City ETO, My Rec, or have in-house data capacity
- Must have or can obtain City-required insurance, including Sexual Abuse and Molestation and Cyber security coverage
- Must sign data sharing agreement with Hartford Data Collaborative
- Requires a competitive community-panel review process
- Requires entering into a professional services contract with the City of Hartford.
- $25,000 – $100,000
- Applicant must be a 501(c)(3) IRS-designated Non-Profit
- Programs must (1) Scale up existing programming with preliminary or moderate evidence of effectiveness, (2) pilot new, evidence-based programming or (3) offer programming that integrates social-emotional learning in enrichment activities
- Program may be Summer-only or Year-round
- Summer Programs: Program period is from July 1, 2023 – August 31, 2023
- Year-Round Programs: Program period is from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
- Must use City ETO, My Rec, or have in-house data capacity
- Must have or can obtain City-required insurance, including Sexual Abuse and Molestation and Cyber security coverage
- Must sign data sharing agreement with Hartford Data Collaborative
- Requires a competitive community-panel review process
- Requires entering into a professional services contract with the City of Hartford.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applications will be accepted from an organization and/or a Non-Profit 501(c) (3):
- Youth-serving Organizations that serve Hartford youth up through age 24, with IRS 501(c) (3) status, may submit a proposal.
For more information, visit City of Hartford.