This State of Rhode Island Grants Management Office is accepting applications to provide funding for direct intervention and related assistance to victims of sexual violence that is culturally relevant and responsive to immediate and long-term needs.
Donor Name: State of Rhode Island Grants Management Office
State: Rhode Island
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 05/08/2023
Size of the Grant: $402,116.00
Priority area specific to the development and support of projects:
- Strengthen and revitalize coordinated community response and multi-disciplinary teams, prioritizing those that meaningfully involve organizations and programs that focus on marginalized communities;
- Increase support for sexual assault services;
- Offer meaningful access to OVW programming for specific underserved populations (based on age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age);
- Increase the use of evidenced-based practices.
Funding Information
- Minimum: $1,000.00
- Maximum: $402,116.00
Eligible Applicants:
- Non Profits
Eligibility Notes:
The SASP Formula Grant Program emphasizes the establishment, maintenance, expansion of rape crisis centers and other nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations, such as dual programs addressing sexual assault and domestic assault for the provision of direct intervention, core services and related assistance to youth, and child victims of sexual assault.
As noted, the purpose of SASP is to provide intervention and advocacy and related assistance to:
- Adult, youth and child victims of sexual assault;
- Family and household members of such victims;
- Those collaterally affected by victimization (friends, co-workers);
- Support for rape crisis centers providing direct intervention and related assistance services;
- Support dual programs that provide sexual assault and domestic violence services to enhance the provision of sexual assault related direct intervention and related assistance programs;
- Retain core services for victims of sexual assault;
- Increase support of underserved populations in culturally appropriate manner, with a special emphasis on African-American, Hispanic and Asian communities and other communities of color, as well as tribal and LGBT communities.
The Public Safety Grant Administration Office, in the administration of the SASP program, has an expectation that the prospective agency(ies) awarded funds through this solicitation shall provide direct intervention and various related assistance services that may include, but not necessarily be limited to:
- 24-hour hotline services providing crisis intervention services and referral;
- Accompaniment and advocacy through medical, criminal justice, and social support service systems, including medical facilities, police and court proceedings;
- Crisis intervention, short-term individual and group support services, and comprehensive service coordination and supervision to assist sexual assault victims and non-offending family or household members;
- Information and referral to assist the sexual assault victim and non-offending family or household members;
- Community-based and culturally specific services and support mechanisms, including outreach to underserved communities;
- Development and distribution of materials related to the services described in previous bullets.
The following activities are out of the scope of work and CANNOT BE SUPPORTED through SASP federal funding:
- Research projects;
- Sexual assault forensic examiner projects;
- Activities focused on prevention efforts (bystander intervention, social norm campaigns, presentations on healthy relationships;
- Criminal justice related projects, including law enforcement, prosecution, courts and forensic interviews;
- Providing domestic violence services not related to sexual violence;
- Physical modifications to buildings, including minor renovations.
For more information, visit Sexual Assault Services Formula.