The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) invites applications from eligible applicants for the Healthy Homes and Weatherization Cooperation Demonstration program.
Donor Name: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
State: All States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 10/31/2023
Size of the Grant: $1,000,000
Grant Duration: 3 years
HUD, through this Healthy Homes and Weatherization Cooperation Demonstration (HHWCD) NOFO, is interested in supporting demonstrations in up to 5 communities that provide housing interventions in lower-income households that are conducted jointly through the coordination of HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH)-funded Healthy Homes Production (HHP) program and programs funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). A critical goal of this demonstration is to determine whether this coordinated delivery of services achieves cost-effectiveness and better outcomes in improving the safety and quality of homes, including health and energy efficiency. The coordinated assessments and interventions are expected to provide additional benefits to households through the combined mitigation of health and safety hazards and improvements in energy efficiency and comfort. These grants are intended to facilitate the leveraging of assets from both programs and support the exploration of different models of service delivery (e.g., recruitment strategies and partnerships).
Goals and Objectives
The following are the major goals and objectives of this NOFO:
- Demonstrate effective strategies for coordination between HUD’s HHP and DOE’s WAP programs that maximize program efficiencies and benefits to occupants.
- Reduce WAP deferrals through coordination with HHP programs.
- Demonstrate sustainable models of inter-program cooperation, including data sharing, reporting, and targeting/recruiting clients.
- Demonstrate effective models for the sustainable financing of coordinated healthy homes/weatherization interventions.
- Support the collection of data to evaluate the housing interventions conducted through inter program coordination (e.g., program cost efficiencies that can be achieved, improvements in indoor environmental quality, improved health outcomes, and additional safety benefits to households).
Applicable Goals and Objectives from HUD’s Strategic Plan
- Strategic Goal 4: Advance Sustainable Communities
- Advance sustainable communities by strengthening climate resilience and energy efficiency, promoting environmental justice, and recognizing housing’s role as essential to health.
- 4C: Integrate Health and Housing
- Advance policies that recognize housing’s role as essential to health
Funding Information
- Estimated Total Funding: $9,000,000
- Minimum Award Amount: $1,000,000
- Maximum Award Amount: $1,000,000
Period of Performance
- Estimated Project Start Date: 12/07/2023
- Estimated Project End Date: 12/07/2026
Eligibility Criteria
- State governments
- County governments
- City or township governments
- Special district governments
- Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education)
Faith-based organizations
Faith-based organizations may apply for this award on the same basis as any other organization, as set forth at, and subject to the protections and requirements of, HUD will not, in the selection of recipients, discriminate against an organization based on the organization’s religious character, affiliation, or exercise.
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