The Greater Miami Jewish Federation is pleased to announce the opening of the ninth grant cycle of the Women’s Impact Initiative.
Donor Name: Greater Miami Jewish Federation
State: Florida
County: Miami-Dade County (FL)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 09/14/2023
Size of the Grant: $5,000 to $15,000
The Women’s Impact Initiative provides grants to local nonprofits from the Annual Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign to organizations in Miami that inspire and empower Jewish self-identifying women and girls, and improve the local community through programs that achieve social, economic, religious and political equality.
Projects that will be considered for grants must serve primarily a Jewish population. The gender lens used must consist of a deep examination of how culturally entrenched gender norms affect women and girls and must take these distinctions into account when identifying both problems and solutions. The aim is to ensure that the local Jewish community is “gender aware” and responsive to the needs and issues of this critical demographic, whose health and wellbeing is vital to the success of the community. The programs they support help transform the lives of Miami’s diverse population of Jewish women and girls. Funding priorities include mental health and entrepreneurship.
Funding Information
- Federation allocates $70,000 in Women’s Impact Initiative grants.
- Grants can range from $5,000 to $15,000 and will be competitively awarded to support new programs or the expansion of existing programs advancing the mission of Federation’s Women’s Impact Initiative.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible applicants include nonprofits with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status (or fiscal sponsorship) that serve the Jewish community in Miami-Dade County. While it gives preference to strengthening Jewish nonprofits and programs based in Greater Miami, it also encourage partnerships with those outside the Jewish community to bring high-quality programs to the community. Nonprofits that have current Federation grants must be in compliance with the terms of those awards to be considered.
For more information, visit Greater Miami Jewish Federation.