The United Way of Western Nebraska funds area nonprofits that promote healthier lives, better education and financial stability.
Donor Name: United Way of Western Nebraska
State: Nebraska, Wyoming
County: Selected Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 03/01/2024
Size of the Grant: Not Available
Grant Duration: 1 Year
Priority Areas
UWWN focuses on identifying the issues impacting the community in the areas of health, education and financial stability. Services provided by the organizations must:
- Promote healthier lives, better education or financial stability, provide for and contribute primarily to human care and health needs operating and serving individuals in health, welfare, recreation, youth guidance and/or character building field.
- Be targeted toward an identifiable population and within the UWWN service area.
- Improve the well-being of individuals, groups or communities through the provision of services which are appropriate for UWWN support.
Grant Period
July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
Eligibility Criteria
Programs must meet the following requirements to be considered:
- Must provide health and human services in Banner County, Box Butte County, Cheyenne County, Dawes County, Deuel County, Garden County, Kimball County, Morrill County, Scotts Bluff County, Sheridan County, Sioux County in the State of Nebraska or Goshen County and/or Platte County in the State of Wyoming.
- Must be a current 501(c)(3) organizations.
- Must be an existing organization with an established Board of Directors or defined governing agency that meets at least 4 times per year.
- Must allow members of the United Way Board of Directors to review accounting records if requested.
- Must have a written mission, goals and objectives.
- Must be an agency currently in existence and currently providing services in the community.
- Must be willing to sign the agency agreement.
For more information, visit UWWN.