The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment is requesting proposals for its Health Disparities and Community Grant Program (HDCGP).
Donor Name: Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
State: Colorado
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 01/31/2024
Size of the Grant: $100,000 to $500,000
Grant Duration: 3 Years
To improve social infrastructure and health outcomes that eventually lead to the reduction of health inequities and disparities, community and grassroots organizations must have resources, partnerships, universal and social design, and community engagement or community power-building skills. Funds are explicitly intended for projects that create and/or launch a foundation for making changes to public, systems-level, and/or organizational policies, practices, rules, laws and regulations that influence the health of underrepresented communities. For each funded category, implementation efforts will be used to evaluate efficacy, and as such, projects should consider efforts from design and planning to implementation and subsequent evaluation. Funded categories that build a foundation to implement systems and/or policy change include:
- Strategic planning, the process of setting goals and creating a blueprint for an organization’s future, such as developing and administering a community needs assessment, creating a community-led policy or systems change development plan, creating a plan for community engagement and leadership, creating a plan for community organizing;
- Building staff and volunteer capacity, the process of working toward improving an organization’s staff/volunteer effectiveness, such as various trainings including community leadership, community-led strategic planning, community engagement, community power-building, community organizing, theory of change, social determinants of health, health equity, racial equity, universal and social design, working at the policy and systems levels, and project sustainability;
- Providing technical assistance, the process of providing targeted support to an organization with a development need or problem, such as hiring a subcontractor to support implementation of a strategic plan, coalition development, community leadership development, multi-sector partnership development, grant writing, building the fiscal capacity of community organization to manage a contract with the state, etc.;
- Operational support, the process of assisting with managing and optimizing various aspects of an organization’s operations within a community-led policy/systems project, such as implementation of a policy/systems project that has a developed strategic plan, community engagement strategy, hiring a subcontractor to assist with project implementation, etc.
Funding Information
The total available funding through this RFA is approximately $3 million each fiscal year with grantee awards ranging between $160,000 to $190,000. CDPHE anticipates selecting 18 grantees at approximately $175,000 per year on average.
Grant Period
The total funding period is approximately July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027 or three (3) state fiscal years: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025, July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026 and July 1, 2026 – June 30, 2027.
Affected Communities
The proposed project must address the health disparity needs of a specific underrepresented community(ies) defined as African American/Black, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaska Native, Hispanic or Latin(o)(a)(x)(e); older adults; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning; gender nonconforming; people with disabilities; people with low socioeconomic status; and people who live in rural and/or geographically isolated communities.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be based in Colorado, including community organizations, grassroots organizations, health care organizations, governmental agencies, educational institutions, federally-recognized Native American Tribes in Colorado, Native American-serving organizations or organizations providing services on a reservation or Tribal land with a letter of support from the applicable Tribe. Eligible organizations may not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, age or national origin in their staffing policies, use of volunteers or provision of services. Colorado-based applicants that do not meet the above criteria may be eligible only if there is a partnership with an entity that is in good standing willing to assume responsibility as a fiscal agent.
For more information, visit CDPHE.