The City of Fort Pierce is accepting applications for its Commercial Facade Grants to support the revitalization of the commercial corridors in the Fort Pierce Redevelopment Agency (FPRA) district by stimulating private investment in improvements that enhance the appearance of buildings and properties and eliminate blight and non-conforming design standards.
Donor Name: City of Fort Pierce
State: Florida
City: Fort Pierce
Type of Grant: Grant | Matching Grants | Reimbursement
Deadline: All Time
Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
This program is designed to encourage redevelopment of the FPRA by enhancing its visual aesthetics which will lead to increased property values, tenant occupancy, economic development, and job creation. This program will complement other revitalization efforts to ensure the maximum leverage of resources and support local businesses.
It is the intent of this program to encourage improvements to private properties that go well beyond what is required under the City of Fort Pierce Land Development Code to enhance the form, function, and design quality of this redevelopment district.
Funding Information
The Commercial Façade Improvement Grant Program offers financial assistance in the form of a reimbursable, matching (50%) grant up to $25,000 to the property or business owner for eligible expenses associated with improving the external appearance of their business and to encourage businesses to invest in their operations.
Eligible Improvements
Examples of eligible improvements are listed below; however, this list is not exhaustive:
- Façade – includes work performed on the exterior storefront of a building such as cleaning masonry (high pressure water or steam – sandblasting is prohibited on masonry structures), re-pointing (filling in or repair to joints), woodwork, and other repairs (that are not maintenance related) or rebuilding historic storefronts. As used in this document a storefront is defined as the front side of a store or store building facing a transit corridor.
- Awnings/Canopies – including the removal of old awnings and canopies and the design, production, and installation of new awnings and canopies.
- Removing and disposing of old façade coverings – (i.e. vinyl and aluminum cladding, window boards).
- Siding/Stucco
- Repairs or replacement of windows & doors
- Outdated security features – removing rollup metal security doors and metal window grates.
- Removing excessive window signage – reduce window signage to allow 95% window transparency.
- Decorative walls, fencing, and landscaping – includes work that removes and replaces or adds appropriate fencing and landscaping to hide incompatible uses or negative site elements such as storage yards, outdoor fabrication, work area, or dumpsters. (no chain-link)
- Original building elements – restoring original decorative building elements.
- Construction of pedestrian and bicycle amenities such as benches, shelters, bike racks and bike lockers.
- ADA improvements
- Parking lot improvements/Surface parking
- Roof repairs / Roof replacement
- Patio/Decks
- Exterior Lighting
- Permanent Landscaping
- Signs – including removing the old and the design, production, and installation of new signs or renovation of existing.
- Art Installations – Art installations or works of art created by artists exhibiting the highest quality of skill and aesthetic principles and includes all forms of visual art, specifically murals
Eligibility Criteria
The Commercial Façade Grant program is available to fund eligible exterior improvements on commercial, industrial, and mixed-use properties.
- To be eligible the building must be located within the FPRA District and be a commercial building. (Commercial building means a portion of a building that is not a private residence, where a business is located, and that is frequented by the public.)
- Residential and governmental facilities do not qualify for this program.
- If the Applicant (Applicant is defined as the entity that is completing the application) is not the building and property owner, the building and property owner must agree in writing to allow and support the application as part of the application process (per Property Owner Affidavit)
- Project must have proper City permits and FPRA approval prior to beginning work. Any application where work has started prior to receiving permits and approvals will be rejected.
- A project timeline must be provided with the application. The Project must be started within six (6) months from the date of FPRA Board approval and completed within 12 months of building permit issuance. Failure to do so, without an approved deviation by the FPRA, will result in termination of the grant.
- Businesses must meet City of Fort Pierce Business Tax Receipt requirements.
For more information, visit City of Fort Pierce.