The Neighborhood Grant Program provides financial support to encourage groups to form new neighborhood associations as well as to support existing associations with funding for neighborhood events.
Donor Name: City of Mountain View
State: California
City: Mountain View
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 03/31/2024
Size of the Grant: $1000 to $10,000
Grant Duration: 1 Year
The Neighborhood Grant Program was established to maintain and improve neighborhoods by supporting activities that bring neighbors together and encourage participation. Events and activities provide opportunities to know your neighbors and to promote a sense of community.
Funding Information
- A total of $40,000 is available for the Neighborhood Grant program. Neighborhood grants may be awarded up to the maximum outlined in the below based on the number of households covered by the neighborhood group.
- Tier A: <500 Households
- Maximum Award: $1,333
- Tier B: 501-1,000 Households
- Maximum Award: $2,000
- Tier C: 1,001-1,500 Households
- Maximum Award: $2,667
- Tier D: >1,501 Households
- Maximum Award: $3,333
Project Period
All grant funds must be used between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the Neighborhood Grant Program, all three of the following criteria must be met:
- Applicants must be representatives of an existing neighborhood association within the City of Mountain View or a group of individuals who are organizing to form a new neighborhood association. Informal neighborhood groups and mobile home park residents committees may also be eligible if their grant proposal builds community and enhances the neighborhood or mobile home park. Individuals, businesses, fraternal or religious groups, universities, and public agencies are not eligible to apply. However, organizations that are eligible for neighborhood grants may partner with these ineligible groups to plan and implement activities/events.
- Activities/events must be neighborhood-based and initiated by residents living in the neighborhood or mobile home park.
- Activities/events must be aimed at improving communication and participation or improving physical conditions within a neighborhood or mobile home park.
Selection Criteria
The applications will be evaluated by the CNC using the following criteria:
- Benefit: How many people are expected to benefit from the activities/events?
- Involvement: How many people are involved in the activities/events?
- Diversity: Do members of the group reflect the demographic characteristics of the neighborhood or mobile home park?
- Program Design: Are the activities/events well-planned and conceptualize
For more information, visit City of Mountain View.