The Saratoga County Farmland Protection and Open Space Preservation grant program is designed to aid farmers in meeting the required local match to the New York State Farmland Protection Implementation Grant Program (FPIG) which enables the purchase of development rights (PDR) on eligible farmland.
Donor Name: Saratoga County
State: New York
County: Saratoga County (NY)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 03/29/2024
Size of the Grant: $100,000 to $500,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The program has been expanded to provide funding for lands containing natural areas, wildlife habitats, natural parkland, preserves, and other important open spaces within Saratoga County.
The Farmland Protection and Open Space Grant Program provides matching funds for the FPIG program and in addition to acquire farmland or open space lands whose preservation is deemed to be of significant public benefit.
Funding Information
- Farmland protection projects are eligible for up to 90% of the project’s total cost, with a maximum single year grant award of $400,000.
- Open Space acquisition projects are eligible for up to 90% of the project’s total cost, with a maximum single year grant award of $200,000.
- Farmland and Open Space projects that involve a full donation of the value of the land or easement are eligible for up to 100% of the project’s total transactional costs, with a maximum grant award of $50,000.
Eligibility Criteria
- All Saratoga County municipalities, not-for-profit land trusts, and conservation groups are eligible to apply for this program. All applications must provide a resolution of support by the municipality in which the project is located or a letter of intent signed by the chief elected official on the municipality’s letterhead. Eligible projects include conservation easements, trail easements, and fee title land acquisitions. Transactions acquired through full donation, purchase by full compensation, or bargain sale (partial donation / partial compensation) are eligible for this funding. Transactional costs (surveys, title searches, etc.) that are part of an overall project likely to result in the permanent protection of farmland or open space within 12 months are also eligible.
- Eligible open space projects may include lands that offer a unique recreation opportunity for a community such as natural parkland, preserve, nature trail, bikeway or a project that provides a trail connection or access to a waterway or waterbody. The Saratoga County Green Infrastructure Plan provides a comprehensive overview of unique open space resources eligible for County funding and which may receive a high project ranking during the application review process.
- Lands identified in local comprehensive plans or in an open space inventory, a municipal Farmland Protection Plan, or the New York State Open Space Plan are also eligible.
For more information, visit Saratoga County.