The Community Wildfire Risk Reduction for the Built Environment grant is to increase wildfire defensible space in Oregon by funding wildfire mitigation projects from structural fire protection agencies, counties, and cities.
Donor Name: Oregon State Fire Marshal
State: Oregon
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 07/19/2024
Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
Funding Information
- Total Funding: $3 million.
- Grant Range: $50,000 – $75,000.
Project Types
All eligible projects will be separated into two categories:
- Defensible Space Projects
- Defensible space projects are focused on wildfire mitigation and protection in the first 100 feet around buildings. These projects will be allocated approximately 70% of the available funds.
- Examples include but are not limited to:
- A locally-managed defensible space incentive program for private landowners or residents.
- Direct contracts or work to create fire-resistant landscapes around residential, commercial, and municipal buildings or other critical infrastructure.
- Create or support existing community programs that create defensible space.
- Locally-managed cleanup days, debris disposal days, or chipper programs to support communities creating and maintaining defensible space around buildings.
- Community Protection Projects
- Community protection projects are focused beyond the first 100 feet from critical infrastructure to create communitywide fire breaks or other community wildfire mitigation.
- Examples include but are not limited to:
- Fuel mitigation on municipal or county properties or parks within the built environment
- Communitywide fire breaks or greenways within the built environment that create fire breaks that directly protect vulnerable communities or critical infrastructure.
- All activities on private or state land must comply with the Forest Practices Act (ORS 527.610 to 527.770, 527.990 (1) and 527.992), including work within riparian management areas or other zones with a protected or sensitive status (e.g., wetlands, protected bird sites) and known locations of species under the Federal or Oregon Endangered Species Act lists unless accompanied by a written plan for alternate practice.
- Fuel mitigation on municipal or county properties or parks within the built environment
Allowable Costs
- Plant and tree fuel reduction and equipment such as:
- Prescribed grazing (e.g., goats) for fuel mitigation work around communities
- Equipment for fuel reduction efforts such as chippers
- Contractors for wildfire fuel reduction efforts and defensible space work
- Nonprofit organizations for wildfire fuel reduction efforts for defensible space
- Local government employees or work crews for wildfire fuel reduction for defensible space.
- Supplanting pre-existing work crew costs is unallowable
- Education, communication, and outreach methods to directly support your project
- Up to .5 full-time equivalent total for project coordination
- Partnering with a community-based organization to support your project
- Most of the award must be spent on direct defensible space or fuel mitigation work (i.e., it is unallowable to spend most of the award on a piece of equipment)
- Recipients may spend up to 10% of award on indirect costs.
Applications will be prioritized by the Oregon State Fire Marshal’s grant program based on fire-risk, social vulnerability index, and project clarity.
For more information, visit OSFM.