The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky is accepting applications for its Partnerships for Success Grants.
Donor Name: Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky
State: Kentucky
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 01/03/2025
Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000
Grant Duration: 1 Year
Partnerships for Success provides funding to enhance and support Kentucky grassroots organizations that are either Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)-led or BIPOC-serving. Applicants should focus on reducing alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use/misuse and related consequences by implementing evidence-based prevention programs, practices, and policies that are trauma and resilience informed, culturally responsive, equitable and inclusive.
The goal of this grant program is to provide funding that enhances and supports grassroots work to prevent alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use/misuse in BIPOC communities in Kentucky.
Proposed projects should:
- Center BIPOC communities as the primary focus of a proposed or existing project or program, including leadership and decision-making power.
- Make BIPOC communities the primary beneficiaries of outcomes generated by the project or program.
- Address a substance use challenge or underlying inequity identified by the community.
- Plan, develop, implement and/or sustain a prevention initiative.
Funding Information
Grants are expected to provide up to $50,000 in funding for 12 months. Grant period will end December 31, 2025.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must:
- Be a BIPOC-led and BIPOC-serving organization.
- Provide services in at least one county in Kentucky.
- Agencies that currently receive Partnerships for Success grant funding are not eligible to apply.
Grantee Requirements
Depending on the project, awarded grantees may be expected to:
- Participate in quarterly grantee meetings to share their work and learning with other grantees and Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.
- Participate in evaluation and professional development activities for the grant and part of the overall initiative.
Proposal Selection Criteria
The most competitive applications will:
- Focus on BIPOC communities.
- Authentically center BIPOC Kentuckians and communities in the project, including through leadership and decision-making power.
- Work to improve behavioral health outcomes by reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors in their communities.
- Have goals for the grant period that are clear, feasible and aligned with the goal of the Partnerships For Success (PFS) grant.
- Demonstrate that the organization can achieve the goals outlined in the proposal with the budget, timeline, and staff capacity indicated.
- Focus on a substance use (alcohol, marijuana, and/or tobacco) issue or challenge identified by BIPOC Kentuckians who live and work as part of their community.
For more information, visit Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.