The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is now accepting applications for the fiscal year 2025 Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant Grant.
Donor Name: Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)
State: Minnesota
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: (mm/dd/yyyy) 10/23/2024
Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
Counties, municipalities, tribal governments, and weed management entities (including Cooperative Weed Management Areas) may apply for grants to mitigate noxious weeds around the state.
Project Goals
- The goal of this appropriation and grant program is to provide financial assistance to tribal nations, counties, municipalities, and weed management entities (including weed management areas) for identification, monitoring, education, control, and eradication activities of priority noxious weed species in their jurisdictions.
- Preference will be given to projects that include land management practices that limit erosion, reduce runoff, store water, protects native species, and projects located within a vital ecosystem (e.g., knotweed infestations along waterways, non-native phragmites in a lake, and poison hemlock along waterways).
Funding Information
The FY25 application has approximately $150,000 available. Maximum award amounts are $15,000.
Eligible Expenses
Eligible expenses include expenses encumbered by the applicant to address:
- Postage and printing related to the project.
- Contracted services such as hiring a private applicator to treat roadsides.
- Staff time/billable hours and mileage to complete project work must not be more than 25% of total project expenses.
- Materials for restoration allowed up to 10% of total project expenses.
Eligibility Criteria
Any authorized representative of a county, municipality, or weed management entity in Minnesota may apply.
- Applicants not from tribal nations must consult with their local CAI to discuss the RFP prior to submitting a project.
- Prior to completing an application, applicants must have approval from their financial authority to participate with this grant.
For more information, visit MDA.